.NET Maui Release
PDS Code are already developing .NET Maui apps
PDS Code are already developing .NET Maui apps
Most businesses have a need for some kind of IT system. PDS Code can help you implement a suitable solution to fit your business and your budget.
Some are describing it as the hottest job market in history… Demand for software developers and mobile app developers is soaring, while employers are struggling to hire and retain their staff. COVID has changed the world. The job market is driven by supply and demand – as are all markets, and in the post COVID …
Microservice is one of the buzz words doing the rounds at the moment. So, what are microservices, and are they worth investing in? A microservice is, as the name suggests, a small service (“fine grained” may be a better term to describe it). The idea behind it is that each microservice encapsulates a small chunk …
Nothing gets software developers more hot under the collar than the ‘build or buy’ discussion. This is a discussion about whether a business should build their own custom software to run their business, or buy and off-the-shelf package. Business leaders looking to reduce costs often opt for the buy option (SaaS ‘Software-as-a-Service’ solutions, off-the-shelf applications, …
It is natural that most companies want to reduce spend on software development, but experience tells us that you get what you pay for. The early 2000’s heralded a new era of offshoring in the IT industry. Business leaders looking to cut costs sent their development work to countries with cheaper labour costs. In these …